A few helpful hints to make your shopping experience at My Place to Yours SHOPPING even better ...

Each item for sale is listed in a separate blog-style post.  If you want to see everything that's available, just scroll to the bottom of the each page then click on "older posts" to keep looking.  However, if you're looking for something specific, here are several different ways to do that:

1) Click on the category tabs at the top of any page and scroll through the listings in that category.  (Perhaps the most obvious!)

2) Look at the Shop By Category section (top of right sidebar).  This list will show you every category that currently has something listed in it -- and how many items there are.

3) Check out the Recent Listings section (top of left sidebar) to see the last 10 items added to the shop.

4) To go back further than the 10 most recent listings, scroll to the very end of the page and look at the shop Archives in the left bottom corner.  If you click on an arrow, it will expand the date to show you all items listed that week.

5) You can always Search This Shop (top of right sidebar). I've found the results are not 100% accurate, but it's another option.

6) Check My Place to Yours at Etsy.  (Just click the banner to go there.)

7) Finally, if you don't find what you're looking for, please Contact Me to see if I have it. It never hurts to ask ... and you really should see my "stash!"